Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Rolling Over Was So Two Seconds Ago...

I am exactly 5 months, 15 days, 13 hours, and 15 minutes old as of this very minute.  It is 8:47pm on this cozy, blustery Kansas City night. Then again, here in the states they abide by a force of nature called "Daylight Saving Time" where everyone fiddles with their clocks, pushing time forward in the spring and back in the fall.  This makes calculating my exact age a little more difficult as The Island does not abide by this rule. And really, it's completely arbitrary to me as I will fall asleep at 8:00pm in the fall and winter, 9:00pm in the spring and summer, or 10:00pm in the Caribbean with not a care in the world as to which way Earth's axis may be tilting at that particular time of year.  But anyway...

Mom constantly works with me on new tricks. First it was putting my own self down for a nap. Been there! Next was propping myself up on my elbows and hands.  Done that! Then it was rolling over one direction. Old hat! Then I rolled over the other direction. Pashaw!  After that we worked on grasping objects, waving them wildly in the air, and even slamming them down against the floor and kitchen table making BIG NOISES. This one I just recently mastered and find it immensely fun. All of these are so passe now that I've made a huge step toward big-girldom. Yes folks, that's right, I CAN SIT UP.  After she saw me roll over quicker than John Lennon in his grave after hearing a Miley Cyrus song, she figured I was ready to at least start trying to sit up on my own. The first couple of days I did a lot of weeble-wobbling and ended up banging my head onto the floor a few times. It didn't hurt, but it wasn't a pleasure cruise either. I tried my best not to let it happen again... Pretty soon I was able to sit up without so much of Mom's help and voila!  I was blogging all by myself.

Waiting for something to come to me:

Ah! The topic train is rollin'!

I'm trying to blog here, do you mind?

I am also now enjoying books in a whole new way. If only I could figure out how to turn the page....

This is by far the most exciting advancement in my infant career, and now that I'm viewing things from a different perspective I see nothing that can stand in the way of my getting mobile.  Before too long, I'll be saying "Crawling?  That was SO two seconds ago...."

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