I was going to write another blog right after Thanksgiving, but Mom made me wait because she had this ludicrous idea about putting me on a big platter, buck nekkid, with parsley all around me and paper caps over my feet so I looked like a turkey. I'm so glad she didn't. Plus, most turkeys are way bigger than me anyway. I'm only twelve pounds for goodness sake. The whole thing would have been just over-the-top humiliating.
Thanksgiving with GAC, GUM, and Mom was very relaxing. I thought I had seen a lot of food with as much as Mom likes to cook, but I hadn't seen nuthin'! The house smelled so good. It was a mixture of sweet and spicy and herbal. Nuts, meat, wine, stuffing, potatoes, cranberries. All of it together made my mouth water, so Mom let me taste test a few things. I find that lots of the foods that smell like spices are the ones that I don't like so much. It's the sweet stuff that I can't get enough of! Even back in that warm, watery environment I stayed in for 9 months, I made Dad go across the street and buy me all sorts of candy. Mmmmm. Candy. I wish I could talk with actual words like the big people use. If I could, I would tell them that I am thankful for so many things, so many that I can't even count them...that is, if I knew how to count. I would tell them that in 4 months of being alive, I am thankful for just being here. I wake up and can barely contain myself because every tiny little thing that the big people take for granted is a new adventure for me! I am thankful for toys that make noise (something Dad taught me to appreciate), taste testing all sorts of new foods whether I like them or not (something Mom taught me to appreciate), blowing raspberries, conquering feats of strength like rolling over and propping myself up on my elbows during tummy time, bursting out in laughter, having a story read to me, singing at the top of my lungs, feetie pajamas, my hands, warm bottles, burping and tooting while it's still socially acceptable, and that someone is always there to take care of me anytime I need or want anything. Thank you to everyone who is making my adjustment to Earth a very pleasant one so far. I'm one of the happiest babies I know and it's all because of you. Anyhoo, here are some pictures of our Thanksgiving!
A little while before Thanksgiving Mom was making something called hummus. She put an herb called Rosemary in it and let me play with it and put it in my mouth. Yuck. Not to mention, the end result looked like something I leave in my diaper. Double yuck.
She also let me sniff the garlic. It smelled so awful that thankfully, she didn't make me taste it at all.
Come to find out I don't care much for celery either, although it does come in handy for waving all around willy-nilly! Ha!
But it's really Mom's homemade cinnamon applesauce that I really love. That and pistachio ice cream. Yeah that's the good stuff.
If Halloween and Thanksgiving were so much fun, I can't even IMAGINE what this "Christmas" holiday must be like! Supposedly it's the biggest most festive holiday all year long! I know Mom has been talking a lot about her favorite Christmas movie called "Elf." Maybe we'll watch it soon and I can see what all the hubbub is all about! She also wants to drive around and see "the lights." Hmmm. More adventures in store for me!
I hope all of you had a very happy Thanksgiving and remembered all of the reasons you are thankful. If I'm only 4 months old and have this much to be thankful for, there must be tons and tons to be thankful for when I'm like two! Oh my gosh!
Even babies can have memoirs. I am here to share my adventures, pleasant or otherwise, thus far on this crazy planet, Earth.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
The Mall = Stimulation Overload (In a Good Way) - A Letter to the Sun
Dear Mr. Sun,
Please go behind the clouds so Mom and I will not feel guilty for hiding from you inside the house today. Yesterday was busy, busy, busy! First of all, Great Aunt Cindy (GAC from here on out, it's much easier for my little fingers to type) and Great Uncle Mark (GUM....for the same reason) wanted to show me off at their church, so we all went and it was a nice time. I got to sit with the big people for most of it and I liked the singing. I sang along too! But for some reason when I do it, everyone giggles. Am I off-pitch? I don't feel off-pitch. (Note to self: sing to Mommy today and have her tell me if I'm off-pitch.)
After church, we went to this place that Mom said we had to visit. It's called "The Mall." She was right! There were tons of people walking everywhere! Some people had babies, some had big kids that could already walk and use the potty, and some were very old who could barely walk or use the potty. It's been my observation that things come full-circle on Earth. There were smells coming from every which direction and we stopped in Panera where everything smelled so cozy that I nestled into my carrier and took a little nap. This mall stroller/carrier thing was so huge that Mom couldn't see in front of it very well and kept accidentally bashing me into things. It wasn't her fault, but it was annoying nonetheless. We went into a Hall Mark store and bought two really cool books that you can talk into and it records your voice! This way GUM can read to me even when I'm back on The Island since I love his deep, low voice so much...how cool! I just don't understand one thing though. Maybe someone could explain it to me? How is hall Mark different than living room Mark or kitchen Mark? And why don't those sides of his personality have stores as well? Confusing.
Anyway, Mom finally strapped me into the Bjorn (my fave!) and we walked all around. We went into a Christmas store and looked at all the pretty lights!!
There were so many colors and pretty decorations everywhere and my little senses were just overwhelmed! I am learning so much lately that it's hard to sort it all out. These were my favorite colors:
We also stopped and watched the carousel for a minute or two! I can't wait until I'm big enough that I can ride it with the big kids!!
GAC and I tried on warm and fuzzy headgear, too! She liked the hat that looked like a panda bear, and I preferred the earmuffs! Pretty cute, huh?
After we got home, I went to sleep pretty easily. The Mall really takes it out of you (in a good way)!
So Mr. Sun, please don't shine too brightly. Mom and I would really like to snuggle inside and read books and watch TV. It has been a fun but tiresome last couple of days. If you are beaming through the window, we will feel so guilty for not enjoying your warmth on a mild November day.
Thank you for at least considering it,
Piper Jaimes
P.S. - Plus, I found out I have HANDS a couple of nights ago and it'd be fun to stay inside, play with those, and stick them everywhere !!
Please go behind the clouds so Mom and I will not feel guilty for hiding from you inside the house today. Yesterday was busy, busy, busy! First of all, Great Aunt Cindy (GAC from here on out, it's much easier for my little fingers to type) and Great Uncle Mark (GUM....for the same reason) wanted to show me off at their church, so we all went and it was a nice time. I got to sit with the big people for most of it and I liked the singing. I sang along too! But for some reason when I do it, everyone giggles. Am I off-pitch? I don't feel off-pitch. (Note to self: sing to Mommy today and have her tell me if I'm off-pitch.)
After church, we went to this place that Mom said we had to visit. It's called "The Mall." She was right! There were tons of people walking everywhere! Some people had babies, some had big kids that could already walk and use the potty, and some were very old who could barely walk or use the potty. It's been my observation that things come full-circle on Earth. There were smells coming from every which direction and we stopped in Panera where everything smelled so cozy that I nestled into my carrier and took a little nap. This mall stroller/carrier thing was so huge that Mom couldn't see in front of it very well and kept accidentally bashing me into things. It wasn't her fault, but it was annoying nonetheless. We went into a Hall Mark store and bought two really cool books that you can talk into and it records your voice! This way GUM can read to me even when I'm back on The Island since I love his deep, low voice so much...how cool! I just don't understand one thing though. Maybe someone could explain it to me? How is hall Mark different than living room Mark or kitchen Mark? And why don't those sides of his personality have stores as well? Confusing.
Anyway, Mom finally strapped me into the Bjorn (my fave!) and we walked all around. We went into a Christmas store and looked at all the pretty lights!!
There were so many colors and pretty decorations everywhere and my little senses were just overwhelmed! I am learning so much lately that it's hard to sort it all out. These were my favorite colors:
We also stopped and watched the carousel for a minute or two! I can't wait until I'm big enough that I can ride it with the big kids!!
GAC and I tried on warm and fuzzy headgear, too! She liked the hat that looked like a panda bear, and I preferred the earmuffs! Pretty cute, huh?
After we got home, I went to sleep pretty easily. The Mall really takes it out of you (in a good way)!
So Mr. Sun, please don't shine too brightly. Mom and I would really like to snuggle inside and read books and watch TV. It has been a fun but tiresome last couple of days. If you are beaming through the window, we will feel so guilty for not enjoying your warmth on a mild November day.
Thank you for at least considering it,
Piper Jaimes
P.S. - Plus, I found out I have HANDS a couple of nights ago and it'd be fun to stay inside, play with those, and stick them everywhere !!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
John Legend & The Roots | Wake Up! Available Everywhere
I really want this for Christmas. Maybe Santa will bring it for me. I've been a good girl I think. Great Uncle Mark turned me on to it this morning and it really spoke to me. Who knows, maybe one day I'll protest on Washington to make the world a better place. :-)
Friday, November 19, 2010
Snotson County, Kansas...Here I Am!
For those of you who are unfamiliar with Kansas City, there is a county like no other, called none other, than Johnson County. For the last 5 weeks of our stay here before heading back to the island, that is where Mom and I will be living to spend time with Cindy and Mark. Cindy is Mom's aunt, so that makes her my Great Aunt. Mark is Mom's uncle. So that makes him my Great Uncle. They live in a cul-de-sac which I think is fun to say. Cuuuullll-de-saaaaac. Cul .De .Sac. CULDESAC!!
Johnson County is a really big and spread-out part of Kansas City and everything is super clean. It's easy to get turned around because one street looks just like all the other streets. Mom always seems to get lost in Johnson County because of this which sort of bugs me because it prolongs time in the car, and I am not a huge fan of time in the car. But one day, Cindy took Mom and I to a surprisingly fun place called The Asian Market. I had such a good time! It was especially fun to see how close I could get to kicking over the super expensive pottery and sculptures and carvings when I'd spaz out my arms and legs. There were little signs in front of the really expensive vases and artwork. I don't know what they said because they were written in some Asian language, but maybe it said "Moms, please keep your flailing infants' arms and legs away from our really expensive vases and artwork." If it said that, that would be funny.
We tried on hats that they had next to the toilet scrubbers!
And we ate what Cindy and Mom called "The Nastiest and Most Horrible Sushi in the World." At least the fortune cookies were good...
We have spent two days now with Cindy and Mark in their home, and it has been incredibly relaxing! Mom and I have gotten to spend lots of quiet time together playing games and laughing and reading and watching movies and cooking. Tonight, she fixed Acorn and Butternut Squash Soup which turned out real nice. I helped! Mark fixed grilled turkey and cheese sandwiches. They also had Double Layer Pumpkin Cheesecake and coffee for dessert which smelled reeeaaaally good while it was baking. Everyone said everything was delicious, but I won't get to find out until tomorrow morning's bottle. Hmph!
I have rolled over a few times now from my tummy to my back in the middle of the night. The first time it happened was on total accident and I sort of surprised myself. It was such a funny feeling being in one position, then by contorting my body a certain way, fell into another position with a whole new view! I keep trying to do it on purpose but it's really hard. I know I can do it, but it's real scary and I'm a little self-conscious about it so I only practice at night when no one can see me. Sometimes they lay me on the floor and just stare at me hoping I'll do it, and maybe one day soon I will, but for now it's just something I wanna do by myself til I get it right.
I have just begun laughing out loud too! I have to be really really happy in order to do this and I'm not really sure what it will be that will send me over the edge. It's different depending on my mood. Yesterday, Mom was changing my diaper and she took the little Velcro tabs in her fingers and said "One...two...THREE!!" and zipped the tabs away from my diaper. I'm unsure why I thought this was so hilarious, but it was. I laughed out loud a few times. This of course just made Mom want to do it over and over again. I humored her, but then it got old and I really did want my wet pee-pee diaper off and a dry one put on. She got the point eventually and continued on. Tonight I was just laying on my activity gym (LOVE IT) and got myself all wound up for no apparent reason and couldn't unwind myself no matter how hard I tried. I wound myself up sooooo tight that I just filled up with glee and couldn't figure out any other way to release it except for an outburst of laughter. It felt good. But then I was tired. Laughing takes a lot of you, in a good way.
Well, I really should let Mom get to bed. She seems tired. It's a big job taking care of the awesome-est baby on the planet. I'll go ahead and insert the face you're already probably making. Good night everyone, and I'll write again soon! Promise!
Johnson County is a really big and spread-out part of Kansas City and everything is super clean. It's easy to get turned around because one street looks just like all the other streets. Mom always seems to get lost in Johnson County because of this which sort of bugs me because it prolongs time in the car, and I am not a huge fan of time in the car. But one day, Cindy took Mom and I to a surprisingly fun place called The Asian Market. I had such a good time! It was especially fun to see how close I could get to kicking over the super expensive pottery and sculptures and carvings when I'd spaz out my arms and legs. There were little signs in front of the really expensive vases and artwork. I don't know what they said because they were written in some Asian language, but maybe it said "Moms, please keep your flailing infants' arms and legs away from our really expensive vases and artwork." If it said that, that would be funny.
We tried on hats that they had next to the toilet scrubbers!
And we ate what Cindy and Mom called "The Nastiest and Most Horrible Sushi in the World." At least the fortune cookies were good...
We have spent two days now with Cindy and Mark in their home, and it has been incredibly relaxing! Mom and I have gotten to spend lots of quiet time together playing games and laughing and reading and watching movies and cooking. Tonight, she fixed Acorn and Butternut Squash Soup which turned out real nice. I helped! Mark fixed grilled turkey and cheese sandwiches. They also had Double Layer Pumpkin Cheesecake and coffee for dessert which smelled reeeaaaally good while it was baking. Everyone said everything was delicious, but I won't get to find out until tomorrow morning's bottle. Hmph!
I have rolled over a few times now from my tummy to my back in the middle of the night. The first time it happened was on total accident and I sort of surprised myself. It was such a funny feeling being in one position, then by contorting my body a certain way, fell into another position with a whole new view! I keep trying to do it on purpose but it's really hard. I know I can do it, but it's real scary and I'm a little self-conscious about it so I only practice at night when no one can see me. Sometimes they lay me on the floor and just stare at me hoping I'll do it, and maybe one day soon I will, but for now it's just something I wanna do by myself til I get it right.
I have just begun laughing out loud too! I have to be really really happy in order to do this and I'm not really sure what it will be that will send me over the edge. It's different depending on my mood. Yesterday, Mom was changing my diaper and she took the little Velcro tabs in her fingers and said "One...two...THREE!!" and zipped the tabs away from my diaper. I'm unsure why I thought this was so hilarious, but it was. I laughed out loud a few times. This of course just made Mom want to do it over and over again. I humored her, but then it got old and I really did want my wet pee-pee diaper off and a dry one put on. She got the point eventually and continued on. Tonight I was just laying on my activity gym (LOVE IT) and got myself all wound up for no apparent reason and couldn't unwind myself no matter how hard I tried. I wound myself up sooooo tight that I just filled up with glee and couldn't figure out any other way to release it except for an outburst of laughter. It felt good. But then I was tired. Laughing takes a lot of you, in a good way.
Well, I really should let Mom get to bed. She seems tired. It's a big job taking care of the awesome-est baby on the planet. I'll go ahead and insert the face you're already probably making. Good night everyone, and I'll write again soon! Promise!
"Kansas City",
"Piper Jaimes",
"squash soup",
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Gram the Grand Slam Whammo
Mom is going to a bonfire at her friend Amber's house tonight. I like Amber. I met her once when we all ate lunch together at Bravo. Even though I'll miss Mom, I know I'm gonna get spoiled rotten by Gram while she watches me. We can watch Game 3 of the World Series and eat Mexican food...but ESPECIALLY diaper-changing table time. I love diaper-changing table time!!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Piper, Piper, Pumpkin....Diaper?
So tonight Mom thought it would be super fun to hollow out a "Big Red Warty Thing" pumpkin and stick me in it. Now before you judge her, I too thought I would hate it. Cold, wet, slimy, pretty much disgusting overall. But when she plopped me in there, I found the experience really interesting! It smelled nice and it sort of reminded me of the 'ol womb. I also found that the inside rim of the pumpkin makes for a great teether, not mention sorta healthy. I stayed in the pumpkin for about a half an hour before Gram and Mom decided it was probably best to get me outta there and get all the pumpkin out of my crack. So I got a bath too! I love bath time! It turned out to be a surprisingly fun night! I think this "Halloween" is pretty neat so far. Pumpkin fun PLUS a night where adults hand out candy? How can you go wrong??
Hello! You are probably asking yourself how a three-month old is able to blog. My mama and I have been together my whole life, so she really gets me. I let her know what I'd like to say by giving her "looks." For instance, a no-go is indicated by a stink eye such as these:

When I was 7 weeks old, my Mom decided that it would be better for her and I to temporarily travel to this big place called "The States." We left on this giant flying machine and I met lots of nice folks up in the air. After what seemed like a long time, we reached our destination.
The first difference I noticed about The States versus The Island is the silence. On The Island, the windows are always open and the tree frogs (as loud as they were) lulled me to sleep at night. In The States, the house is completely quiet and the air is still. Very different from what I am used to.
Almost immediately, Mom took me to some place called Price Chopper (or the Chop Chop) where she stuck me in front of all sorts of odd things.
I don't really get it, but it seems to make her happy.
She also took me to the Plaza Art Fair, Parktoberfest (a fall celebration in a town called Parkville), The Weston Red Barn Farm, a John Lennon art exhibit (which I didn't care for much - I let everyone know my opinion of his art by the surprise I left in my diaper), Alldredge Orchards, The Wine Barn for a wine tasting with my Gram and Great Aunts, Zona Rosa, my Great Aunt and Uncle's house a couple of times, and lots of lunches with her girl friends. It's been a very busy month. I feel like there is a lot more to do in The States, but it doesn't seem as relaxing as The Island where everyone and everything moves a lot slower. When we drove in the car on The Island, we never really went above 30 miles per hour, max. In The States, we sometimes drive 70 miles per hour on something called a "highway!" Where do we need to go that's so important that we need to drive that fast?! Scary.
I'm all tuckered out right now. My attention span isn't very long yet and this was a lot for me. I think it may be time for another bottle, too. And most definitely a diaper change.
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