Dear Mr. Sun,
Please go behind the clouds so Mom and I will not feel guilty for hiding from you inside the house today. Yesterday was busy, busy, busy! First of all, Great Aunt Cindy (GAC from here on out, it's much easier for my little fingers to type) and Great Uncle Mark (GUM....for the same reason) wanted to show me off at their church, so we all went and it was a nice time. I got to sit with the big people for most of it and I liked the singing. I sang along too! But for some reason when I do it, everyone giggles. Am I off-pitch? I don't feel off-pitch. (Note to self: sing to Mommy today and have her tell me if I'm off-pitch.)
After church, we went to this place that Mom said we had to visit. It's called "The Mall." She was right! There were tons of people walking everywhere! Some people had babies, some had big kids that could already walk and use the potty, and some were very old who could barely walk or use the potty. It's been my observation that things come full-circle on Earth. There were smells coming from every which direction and we stopped in Panera where everything smelled so cozy that I nestled into my carrier and took a little nap. This mall stroller/carrier thing was so huge that Mom couldn't see in front of it very well and kept accidentally bashing me into things. It wasn't her fault, but it was annoying nonetheless. We went into a Hall Mark store and bought two really cool books that you can talk into and it records your voice! This way GUM can read to me even when I'm back on The Island since I love his deep, low voice so cool! I just don't understand one thing though. Maybe someone could explain it to me? How is hall Mark different than living room Mark or kitchen Mark? And why don't those sides of his personality have stores as well? Confusing.
Anyway, Mom finally strapped me into the Bjorn (my fave!) and we walked all around. We went into a Christmas store and looked at all the pretty lights!!
There were so many colors and pretty decorations everywhere and my little senses were just overwhelmed! I am learning so much lately that it's hard to sort it all out. These were my favorite colors:
We also stopped and watched the carousel for a minute or two! I can't wait until I'm big enough that I can ride it with the big kids!!
GAC and I tried on warm and fuzzy headgear, too! She liked the hat that looked like a panda bear, and I preferred the earmuffs! Pretty cute, huh?
After we got home, I went to sleep pretty easily. The Mall really takes it out of you (in a good way)!
So Mr. Sun, please don't shine too brightly. Mom and I would really like to snuggle inside and read books and watch TV. It has been a fun but tiresome last couple of days. If you are beaming through the window, we will feel so guilty for not enjoying your warmth on a mild November day.
Thank you for at least considering it,
Piper Jaimes
P.S. - Plus, I found out I have HANDS a couple of nights ago and it'd be fun to stay inside, play with those, and stick them everywhere !!
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